PAC 8 Champs

Running for fitness or competition- between yourself or others – should be a fun, challenging, and rewarding experience. You can define success with faster times or completion of a long distance race but without the joy of the day to day process or “the journey” you may not be able to sustain the energy necessary to maintain the habit of this wonderful form of fitness activity. Bob’s training principles and guidelines are based on the theory of training and coaching of Bill Bowerman and the latest in exercise physiology research and applied theory through USATF coaching seminars.

The various training methods I use are a direct result of my experience as a competitive distance runner at the University of Oregon from 1963 to 1967. My mentor and coach, Bill Bowerman taught me many things but primarily that rest and recovery are critical for short and long term development. I was an integral part of the original Jogging programs Bill started for the Eugene community in 1964 as a result of his experience with Arthur Lydiard in New Zealand 1963.

​Thanks for taking time to come to my web site to learn about me and my coaching services. My goal is to get to know you well enough to provide safe, healthy and challenging training plans that will provide a blue print for your success.

Bob Williams’ personal coaching services for distance runners and fitness athletes of all ages and abilities are designed to provide a training program that allows each athlete to meet personal goals safely and enjoyably. Education, motivation, training structure, race consultation, and goal setting are some of the benefits of personal coaching. Bob has years of coaching and competitive experience that provide the guidelines for successfully assisting hundreds of runners to personal bests and notable performances on a local, regional and national scale.

View Coach Bob Williams Professional and Coaching Resume – Click Here

“Bill Bowerman revolutionized training runners by applying two simple principles, founded in inescapable human physiology. One, we are all remarkably different individuals. We differ in muscle cell makeup, metabolic power and endurance. We differ in shape, sex and age.

Two, we all need a different combination of work and recovery to get the optimum improvement from our training. Bowerman’s greatest genius was discerning every runner’s distinct needs. I was always sick or injured my first two years at Oregon. He convinced me to take sensible easy days. It was the lesson of my life.

Bob Williams was trained by Bill Bowerman. No one has ever been better at understanding and carrying on these basic principles in his coaching. No one is more gifted than Bob Williams at planning schedules, then seeing and reacting to an athlete’s day-by-day needs, given the stress of life. I know enormously talented, wildly ambitious runners who have ignored his counsel and gotten sick or injured just like I did.

If you want the finest living practitioner of Bowerman’s great truths, hire Bob Williams.”
— Kenny Moore, Fourth Place, 1972 Olympic Marathon